Key visual product Push CDN

High Performance CDN

Experience the lightning-fast speed and unbeatable reliability:

Modern web applications require lightning-fast speed, minimal latency, and flexible scalability. Myra High-Performance CDN uses cutting-edge technologies that ensure unbeatable reliability to meet these demands. With Myra, you can provide your users with a first-class experience.

Request a demo

Optimize your website's performance with Myra CDN

Improve website loading speed and decrease latency

The Myra High-Performance CDN utilises advanced web technologies to deliver static and dynamic content to your website in the shortest possible time, giving you a competitive edge online.

  • High-performance delivery of all content through RAM caching

  • Customized caching through freely definable rules

  • Optimal peering with the relevant Internet exchanges (DECIX, SwissIX, AMSIX, VIX, BCIX etc.)



Reduce operating costs and optimize content delivery

Reduce your web infrastructure costs by reducing traffic volume with Myra High-Performance CDN.

  • High savings potential for bandwidth, computing power, storage space and capacity

  • Savings on data transfers due to automatic revalidation of expired objects

  • Optional image scaling and format conversion (WebP) for customized content delivery to the respective end device

  • Changes to content take effect immediately thanks to real-time cache

Why CISOs choose Myra

Key Benefits

Highly certified

Our technologies, services and processes are regularly audited and certified to the highest standards.

Made in Germany

Myra is a legally compliant GDPR-compliant company headquartered in Germany.

24/7 Support & Monitoring

Get 24/7 support for your CDN management from european IT experts

Prevent costly cyber attacks. Consult our cybersecurity experts for free today.

Protecting your business from cyberattacks is crucial. Don’t wait until you fall victim to an attack to take action. Schedule a free 30-minute consultation with Myra to defend against cyber threats and keep your business safe.


During the demo, you can expect to:

✔   Explore our Security-as-a-Service platform from an administrator’s and a user’s perspectives.

✔   Receive real-time advice and solutions from our cybersecurity experts, who will help you understand how our solutions can meet your specific requirements.

✔   Learn about our compliance expertise and how we can help ensure your data’s availability, integrity, and confidentiality.


Take the first step now towards better securing your digital business processes by scheduling a demo with Myra.

All information on data processing can be found in our privacy policy.

The CDN provider of your choice


High-performance delivery

Caching of your website content in RAM

Protection of your origin servers against attacks and overload

Delivery of websites and app content via HTTPS reverse proxy

Customized caching

Freely definable rules, for example via regular expressions

Flexible CDN Management

Complete management and integration into own deployments via API

Secured accessibility through stale objects

Delivery of cached content in the event of origin server failures

Lower operating costs

Major savings in bandwidth, computing power and server capacities

High reliability and stability

Stable performance even during peaks in demand during advertising and marketing campaigns, as well as during unexpected load peaks

Automatic revalidation

Reduction of data transfers via automatic revalidation of expired objects

Would you like to find out more first? Product sheet about the Myra High Performance CDN:


Accelerate the delivery of all static and dynamic elements of your website. Speed, low latency and flexible scalability: the demands placed on modern web applications are growing rapidly. With the Myra High Performance CDN, you can achieve a first-class user experience thanks to leading technologies.

What you can expect in the product sheet:
  • Key benefits and features of the Myra High Performance CDN

  • How to reduce your operating costs and optimize your content delivery

  • How to overcome the single point of failure


All information on data processing can be found in our privacy policy.