IT Security for Public Authorities

For federal, state and local authorities, Myra offers customized cybersecurity concepts that are tailored to the specific requirements of the public sector. Our advanced defense mechanisms provide robust protection against complex digital attacks. In addition, Myra's powerful performance solutions optimize administrative processes so that authorities and public institutions benefit from increased security without sacrificing efficiency or functionality.


Critical-Infrastructure-Proven Protection Systems for Public Authorities

✔   DDoS Protection

✔   Web Application & API Protection (WAAP)

✔   Secure CDN

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People working in office


How IT Security Helps Public Authorities

E-government and digital citizen services require a secure IT infrastructure in public authorities. Inadequate IT security, on the other hand, can jeopardize the functionality of entire administrations.


According to studies by Allianz, cyber incidents are the biggest risk for the public sector. For some years now, politically motivated cyber actors in particular have been increasingly targeting the websites, portals and online interfaces (APIs) of public authorities to attract attention and spread concern among the citizens. In March 2024, for example, a massive wave of DDoS attacks hit hit French government websites.


Public authorities can strengthen their digital resilience through effective IT risk management and the implementation of comprehensive security measures. The BSI recommends the use of security management systems, regular penetration tests and employee awareness training to ensure the continuity of important administrative processes.


Assess the risk of attack now and find suitable protection solutions


IT-Compliance als regulatorische Herausforderung

Setting up IT security for public authorities requires enormous expertise. In public administration, the regulatory requirements for digital systems and processes are considerable. The requirements of the IT Security Act 2.0 and the BSI standards must be observed in order to secure IT in line with compliance requirements. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the NIS2 Directive for federal authorities must also be taken into account.


Overall, these regulatory directives require the affected administrative units to regularly demonstrate compliance with strict protection guidelines and to ensure the integrity, availability, authenticity, and confidentiality of data and processes. The Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) plays a central role in identifying IT security risks and supporting the federal, state and local authorities.


Learn more about NIS 2 compliance with Myra
Person works on two laptops


Consequences of cyber incidents

Authorities and public bodies in Germany are exempt from direct fines for breaches of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This is based on a special provision in Art. 83 (7) GDPR, which allows EU member states to refrain from imposing fines on public bodies. Instead, competent supervisory authorities can impose alternative sanctions, such as orders to cease infringements, instructions to adapt data processing or temporary or permanent bans on certain data processing.


Despite the lack of fines, data protection violations have significant consequences for public authorities and those responsible for them. These include public pressure through transparent reporting, individual sanctions against responsible persons in the event of deliberate violations, consequences under employment law for managers and, in serious cases, even criminal prosecution. There is also the possibility of claims for damages by those affected.

Fortify Your Digital Defenses With Myra

4 key areas – 1 outstanding technology


Avoid data theft, system outages, and disrupted communications. Our robust defense system protects your critical processes with unwavering vigilance.


Experience high-performance delivery of your content, even during traffic peaks. Maintain optimal performance and provide your users with a seamless experience.

Business Continuity

Myra ensures the utmost protection for your business by utilizing direct and geo-redundant connections to your infrastructure, without relying on external factors.


Meet the requirements of IT security and data protection teams with ease. Myra is your trusted partner, offering unrivaled expertise in the strictest compliance regimes.

Designed and engineered for highly regulated sectors

Certified Security from Myra: Compliance Without Compromise

  • ISO 27001 on the basis of IT-Grundschutz (BSI)

  • Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)

  • BSI C5 Type 2

  • KRITIS Proof according to § 8a para. 3 BSIG

  • Trusted Cloud Service

  • IDW PS 951 Type 2 (ISAE 3402)

  • VS-NfD

Main entrance Federal Ministry of Health


Digital Crisis Support: Managing Extreme Peak Loads

Especially in exceptional social situations, it is essential that millions of citizens can access the official websites and apps of the government and authorities, e.g. the BMG and the BZgA, at any time. Thanks to Myra technology, these sites run with high performance even in exceptional circumstances, enabling millions of parallel accesses.

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